.Saturday, March 29, 2008 ' 9:36 AM Y
okie...today wasn't any fun day.i was at home like all the way from 10am in the morning.which i was having ss lessons.well i am glad that ss lessons are over! geo lessons i await for you so long! haha! i love geo.ss sucks like to the max! i got no idea why are we taking it.argh!hmm...after that when for a bite in kfc with wai hing then headed home.until about 5 plus i like so finally got out of my house!when for bball with audrey.and we found out that we are on the same boat.haha.we are just as drity in our mind.wahahahaha! just kidding.haha.hmm...played a few games and i was super hyper and into the game cause its been so long since i got that feeling to play.haha.well...some feelings really sucks but some don't.i was really happy and i enjoyed myself just now.haha.hmm...sad to say but audrey injured her ankle i hope she gets well soon.TO AUDREY: HEY GIRL GET WELL SOON OKIE.I THINK NEXT TIME DON'T NEED PLAY SO ROUGH LE.HAHA! MAKE SURE YOU TAKE GOOD CARE OF YOURSELF MAN! HAHA!.hmm...after that went to my grandma place for dinner.and i talk to my father really a lot.haha.well the feeling is great joking here and there.haha.after that talk about after N level what i wanna do.haha.then my mother suggest that i work with one of my aunty at the bicylce shop.so i can learn my blading silks better cause the shop is just right next door.she continued saying that sometimes it would be boring there.as when there are many people they will have a lot of people.but when those days that don't have people it will be boring.but i told my mother saying that i might wanna consider it cause i can like exercise and not slack around.haha.gain hand muscle and reduce my big tummy too! wahahaha!
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Wednesday, March 26, 2008 ' 5:36 AM Y
anyway.forgot that theres lit test tmr! and NAPFA 5 stations maybe.omg! i am so gonna fail again! sec1 i got gold and sec2 sliver then sc3 bronze! can you believe it! omg! i can't make it man!i hate doing sit-ups and pull ups cause i am simply to heavy to pull myself up. i got a super big tummy so that imply to why i hate sit up.and my hands are weak like to the max and so i can't pull myself up.the only thing i like is shutter up.i love that.hahaha! but then everything else pull my grades down so i will diffenitly get a bronze again! but i will try my best to like aim to get a gold again! haha!hmm..well this time shutter run is 4 people starting the same time.so i thought it would be challenging.haha.but i love it.hahaha! imagine you won all four people! woots! that feel rocks man! hahaha.
walking down the silent street alone♥
. ' 5:06 AM Y
WAH SO ANGRY!!!! ARGH!! my father just ruin my shirt!!! argh!!! and i like that shirt thought.so sad!!! he wanted to bleach his shirt and just nice my shirt was next to his and just what! he accidentally spill the bleach on to my shirt!and the colour of my shirt is hot pink! like damn it! the bleach was like only a little and thats why the colour was bleach and it had white patches on it! argh! if it wasn't patches but the whole shirt its still okie with me cause the colour is the same.but now! let me show you how it looks like .here are the pictures!

see sad right! omg! i like almost cried lar!never mind! i will make him pay! wahahaha! once i go to thailand or shen zhen i will buy a lot a lot of shorts and shirt!! argh! damn it! not happy not happy!! geesh.
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Tuesday, March 25, 2008 ' 7:07 AM Y
hmm...today is the day that i didn't feel like going to school.in the morning tried giving excuses to not go to school but it didn't work. so i just got up and brush my teeth and everything.tsk tsk.so sian lor.wanted to like report sick cause very tired and feli wanted to join me too.but nobody to fetch her home.hahaha!we were like saying we want to go home since recess time cause we were just to lazy to run after school as training.like what the hell.i want to play netball! so long never play already! argh!!! lost touch!hmm...even before the run got a scolding from mr san because of my socks.tsk tsk.he is always catching my for my socks but this time he said it like i owe him lots of things.he said that he saw me since morning and my socks were like so low already.so don't try to say that i change my socks.well...this time is true i didn't even change my socks but the last time was true.so well i just pull my socks up.then he said something that makes me feel angry about.he said that he know that i don't respect him anymore but at least show respect to the school.then i am like WTF?!?!(in my heart).i was like super angry at that time cause is like i respect him to the max but he say this to me.my heart was like.....stop a while.so shock that he would say that.hmm...after that he walk away and i am like argh! damn it! at least like don't need say until like i really never even respect him lar.argh!then later vanessa ask me why i didn't say sorry.my reply was that i didn't thought of that because i heart already like stop....then even if i say sorry.i don't think he will like apprectiate so whats the point.hmm...so i just carried on with the running of 2.4! omg! like so long never run the feeling a great but super tiring.haha.after the run went to 411 play bball! its super fun! omg! the thrill is super great althought we like all the games we played so far.wahahaha!well...i think netballers are great.
hmm....i think we shall play with the full team next time! wahahaha! netbal style in bball! yeah! it rocks.hahaha!i think that by learning layouts is fun but i won't be using it as you can see i am so freaking short and i got more confidence in my shooting then doing layouts.hahahmm...then when it gets darker vanessa's shot was so accurate like omg! hahaha! i think she is a night shoot.wahahaha! after that went back home with val and racheal but they took 358 and i took 89.haha.saw han bin in the bus.he said he is going to see the doctor for a jab cause he is having gastric flu.then i was like what?1 cause i had gastric flu before but i don't need to have a jab.then he carried on saying that he kept vomiting thats why he need a jab.so i am like ouh...cause lucky that time mine wasn't so serious cause I HATE INJECTIONS! it kills me~ hahahaha!well...i now i am like studying for physics test tmr.haha.i think i am so gonna fail this test cause i don;t understand the topic.so now i am like trying my best to memorise the formulas.haha.bye~
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Sunday, March 23, 2008 ' 9:01 AM Y
GOSH i am having a sleepless night! damn it! i couldn't sleep at all...maybe its because the pass few days i have been sleeping late.haha.and now i can't sleep at all.argh! when i wanna sleep i can't sleep.when i don't wanna sleep i feel like sleeping! gosh! damn it.for now i really need to sleep but i just can't.so i just turn on my com and use it until i feel sleepy.haha.
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Friday, March 21, 2008 ' 7:36 AM Y

today me audrey and jessica spend our time at safra just to play pool.haha.we like waited for quite long to be our turn.haha.when its our turn we play like 3 games only =.= but each game was quite long. so its still not so bad.hahaha!hmm...after that we went to bball court but jess and audrey didn't play as they went to francis house to borrow cd to watch.well after the game i went to audrey's house to catch the movie.the movie was a horror movie but it wasn't very good.haha.its not scary at all.so yeah.haha.took quite a lot of pictures today.but i am a little lazy to upload all so maybe just a little.haha.i am like so angry with my father! damn it. i think he is so bias lar.thought he would change but it seems that he didn't well i hate him for that.like really hate.
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Thursday, March 20, 2008 ' 6:39 AM Y
tsk tsk.its finally thursday! omg! it seem so long though.haha!hmm....didn't intend to go school today but still went to school cause i told myself that its already the last day of the week so why not just go and have "fun" haha!but i did have fun with the netballers yeah.haha.played monkey during recess.its like so long never touch until netball already and i missed it! tsk tsk.the netball was like so light out of a sudden.haha.it was really fun getting together.i think PRCS netballers rocks man! haha.besides some of them.or maybe should i say one of them.this was the first time isaw a netballer's result that bad.no matter how busy we are in the east zone we try to manage our study well.but the person failed all the subjects like omg?! never mind about studies already.haha.play bball during pe.haha.it was like super fun although we lost the belvin that group, we manage to like scored some points and its like so fun.we played full court.haha.so fun...haha....but next week is starting on NAPFA already so must get ready.hahaha!.hmm....after pe i went straight to bball court to meet audrey and others.haha.they were playing ABC(from what we invent into MRT)haha.it a stupid game when we were like laughing all the way.and I WON! wahahaha! after a little while played match with rui yuan fat cat and 2 more.haha. my group won.then after that me and audrey started doing our "lay outs"hahaha! zhi yong and tarzan saw and started laughing at us as we were just tossing the ball any how.hahaha! then later audrey jessica and qy went to the fitness corner to talk.and i started to learn how to do lay outs by zhi yong. he claims that i am tu di.haha.but what ever lar.haha.now can do layout a bit already! wahahaha! i will master it one day! hahaha!
hmm..after playing went for dinner at elias mall then headed back to the play ground to play catching ice and water.hahaha! super funny lar.we played ice and water and jessica is always the ice.hahaha! she is like super funny lar.she freeze one. we defroze them.haha.she had been the catcher for until we end the game.hahaha!
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Tuesday, March 18, 2008 ' 8:42 AM Y
hmm...nothing much happened today though but i got the picture of the day!hahaha! went to play bball with audrey and jessica after running.then we were like laughing at small little things.hahaha.and tried doing some retarded things.hahaha.and finally took that picture of audrey acting retard( having a stroke) hahahaha! laugh all you can! hahaha! she tried shooting by doing that! hahaha!
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Monday, March 17, 2008 ' 5:35 AM Y
nothing really happened.but took back a maths paper today! OMG and guess what! everybody passed! and i didn't get the last omg! i can't believe it! the worse A maths paper i ever done and i passed it! omg! super happy HAPPY HAPPYYYYYY!!!! woots!from now on must work hard already.cannot slack.mid year is coming.its like so fast!omg!hmm..watching s pop hurray and the li yu zhong is so hot! omg! jj is hot too.haha.well i got nothing to talk about already.haha.bye!
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Saturday, March 15, 2008 ' 8:37 AM Y
wow!time really flies.now today is the only day i could like really sleep late.tsk tsk.today didn't do much things stayed at home use my com eat and blah blah blah.haha.only in the afternoon.followed krystel for lunch and talked about netball stuff as usual.haha.hmm...after that walk around elias mall to digest our food.haha.then we went to the elias mall bookshop and met zhi sen there.haha.not really met but he saw us going in and went in to look for us.haha.he was after his bball i guess.hmm...not guess but sure of it.and he stink like mad.hahaha!gave excuses saying because it was after bball.and i said i don't see why krystel stink this mad when she is after netball.haha!he keep quiet though.haha.but actually i can't really blame him cause i stink too after netball.so its okie with me.haha.hmm...after that then i go straight home and never left the house.haha.see i am a good girl staying at home doing nothing.haha.after that watch videos that i can find watch it till 7 plus.mummy ask me wanna join her to tampines to look for her camera bag i say i didn't wanna go at first.but later on i asked her if i follow her what good deal can i have.and she started laughing.saying that she don't need anybody to follow her already.cause there is someone to accompany her (which is my dad)=.=haha.after dinner at changi village, headed home.haha.during the jorney home, my father said quite a lot of stupid jokes and made us luahg like mad.haha.i think this years relationship with my family was not so bad.it is so much better then last year's.i think my parents trying to understand me beter already.so its still not so bad.haha.hm..well...i like our relationship to stay like that so i don't need to waste my energy to quarrel with them.haha!played majiong with them for awhile.and guess what i suck at it.i kept losing money but its okie i don't play much so its still alright with me.haha.my brother wanted to play more but my parents didn't want to cause the next day they got to go to work.so we came to the last round and my father tried to cheat.hahaha! he wanted my mom to win so we can play no more games.so he looked into the mirror behind my mom to look at her tiles, but guess what i found out.wahahaha! see how smart am i.hahaha! no lar just jokking.hahaha!i saw him looking into the mirror and talked to himself.of course i was looking at him and wondering was is he talking to himself while looking at the mirror.so i shouted at him and all of us started to laugh.haha!and the game is over T.T so now i am here looking for something to do.wahahaha!
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Monday, March 10, 2008 ' 8:00 AM Y
WOOTS! today went ice skating with ELIAS family.only some members are missing.haha!it was super fun lar.haha!we skate like for 2 hours.haha.and many things had happen.haha~!the falling, grabbing on others and many more.haha!hmm...the people who knows how to ice skate was only me tarzan ming gang and zhi yong.haha! we were like skating very fast.then audrey jessica qian ying and francis didn't know how to skate at first.then we were like suaning them.haha.like skating so slowly.haha.but after a while, audrey can catch up with us a little but she is still afraid to fall.haha!we took a lot a lot of pictures there.haha! and i think audrey had the most fall today.haha!the way she fall is like super funny lar.haha!then later ah PAK came.he played a while only so wasted.haha.hmm...they were like racing with ah pak course he can skate quite well.hmm....while racing zhi yong tried to avoid a little girl but didn't know that the little girl actually cut into his way.haha. so he crash into the wall just to avoid the little girl.then later ah pak and tarzan brake, but as for me i didn't had the time to stop as my leg was like super wide and i was skating very fast.haha.so of course i fall on my knees and silde towards the wall.haha! tarzan and ah Pak was super shock.hahah! but as for me i think is super fun.hahah! after playing, we went down to have dinner. the girls ate kfc and the guys ate food court.haha.during dinner we hear this little kid calling AH PA AH PA.haha.then audrey went to ah PAK and say eh calling you lehx.haha! then ah PAK was like what the hell.then take his umbrella and start hooking her.haha! super funny lar.haha!hmm....after that we walk all the way from kallang leisure park all the way to kallang mrt station.haha.we were all super tired.after the ice skating.haha!ouh ya and we watch the water horse.hmm...that show is still quite alright.not so bad.but a little boring.haha.when coming back i saw nicky and joyna.haha.then now at home feeling super tired,haha.
walking down the silent street alone♥
.Saturday, March 8, 2008 ' 5:56 PM Y
boohoo!!!! so long never blog already! omg! didn't had the time to blog.haha.now the cross country is over,we must now study study study like what the hell!hmm...the whole team got a trophy for cross country and thats the best man! sec3 got almost the top 10 position how good are they man.haha!hmm...saturday had ptm.omg! miss lim really have short term memory.haha! i called her to ask her what time should ny father go to meet her.first she said that i must come at 12.then later she asked me whether can my father meet her at 10.30 and i said can.after going there at 10.30, everybody went first.then i ask miss lim.haha.and she said she forgot that she called me to come earlier.haha.so i went and my daddy talk to her.haha.hmm...she said that she got no commends about me.haha.of course i was very happy to hear that.haha.after that went to suntec for the IT fair.and daddy bought a new laptop for me! omg! i am so happy.haha!i dobn't need to share with my brother the computer anymore.hahaha!
walking down the silent street alone♥